Friday, April 19, 2013

Cutting Back Your Water Bill

Before my son was born our water bill was usually around $11 with an occasional high bill of a whopping $15-$20 per month.  Now since our laundry has increased due to cloth diapers and another person contributing to the mountain of dirty clothes our bill averages $15-$20 with $20 still on the high side, in the non summer months.   

How long are your showers?
If someone in your house loves to take 20+ minute showers you have a few options;

·         Get a smaller hot water heater; no one likes cold showers. 
·         You could tell them just how much their extra long shower is affecting the budget, and take money away from part of the budget that directly affects something else they enjoy.
·         Get a low-flow shower head.

Growing up my brother was a serious offender of this, who am I kidding, he still is.  The day he has to pay his first water bill, I think he will be changing his ways. 

Is something leaking or running? 
Check your toilets, faucets and pipes for leaks.  A new faucet or toilet guts could pay for themselves in a month or two.  These could be doing serious damage to your budget if left unattended.

This is very informative about checking for leaks...

How green can your grass be?
My dad had to have the greenest grass on the block growing up, but there are ways to conserve water and still have a beautiful lawn. 

·         Water in the early morning
·         Check the weather, and skip rainy days
·         Have shorter cycles for your sprinkler rotation
·         Water every other day
·         Make sure you are using your sprinklers to their maximum efficiency and not watering the neighbors’ lawn(s) or the concrete. 

Do you leave it running?
Don’t leave the water running when you are shaving, brushing your teeth or washing dishes.   Next time you are running water, just picture dollar signs going down the drain.  If your spouse is the big offender, stand behind them while saying “cha ching cha ching….”

Just A Reminder…
Don’t forget to check the billing dates when monitoring your new utility bills.  Make sure you know how many days are affected by your changes, then you can monitor your savings and if they are worth it to you or not. 

Next Post: Cable and Internet Savings

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